Friday, October 29, 2010

Time to go to TEXAS

Have you heard??? OPI just went to Texas... It's time for a change! Time to introduce the new Spring Collection of 2011. I am personally excited about this new collection of bold and creamy colors. The collection will be in stores February 2011 (my birthday month) hint hint...

1. Y'all Come Back Ya Hear?

2. Suzi Loves Cowboys

3. It's Totally Fort Worth It

4. Don't Mess With OPI (my personal fav)

5. I Vant To Be A-Lone Star

6. Guy Meets Gal-Veston

7. Too Hot Pink Yo Hold 'em

8. Don't You Think I'm Tex-y

9. Big Hair... Big Nails

10. Houston, We Have a Purple

11. Austin-Tatious Turquoise

12. San Tan-Tonio

Like they say in Texas: Lettin' the cat outta the bag is a whole lot easier 'n puttin' it back...

Ya'll com back ya herrrrr now....

Go Hard in the Paints,
Miss Pugh


  1. They are pretty! I'm an Essie lover, but some of these colors entice me to try!

  2. 2, 3, 4, 5, and 12 GOTTA have them!
